Learn to use Studio

Add a new creative

Creatives are the files you upload to Studio to generate ads. You add creatives to a particular campaign. 

The Creatives page lists all the creatives associated with your account, including each creative's status, type, size, and last modified date. This page is where you upload and manage the files and custom events for each rich media ad. To access your creatives:

  • Click Creatives to display a list of all the creatives in your account, sorted by last modified date.
  • For a list of creatives in a specific campaign, click the Creatives > Campaigns and select your campaign.
  • To sort the creatives list, click one of the list headings, for example Status. Click the heading again to reverse the sort order.

Add or edit creatives

Every creative you add in Studio follows a step-by-step workflow:

The Creatives tab workflow steps: 1. New creative, 2. Manage files, 3. Edit events, 4. Preview, 5. Publish

Add a new creative

  1. Click New creative > From files.
  2. Enter your advertiser and campaign name.
  3. Enter a name for the creative. Creative names must be 256 characters or less and cannot contain tabs.
  4. Select a format using the drop-down.
  5. Select pixel dimensions from the Size drop-down or select User defined and enter dimensions manually.
  6. Click Next to proceed to Manage Files.

To edit a creative:

  1. On the Creatives page, select a creative from the list or search for one.
  2. Click the creative name to open the Manage Files step of the Creatives workflow. Once there, you can click the different steps of the workflow to make adjustments as needed.

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